Bicycle Boy | 7-0 | Updates every Friday
Posted June 21, 2019 at 3:00 am

EDIT 12/26/2020: Drew a new cover for this chapter! I hope ya like it.

Welcome back from the break, everyone! This is a two-page update. Please click ahead to see the next page!

You may have noticed something different. Yes, the format of the chapter covers has changed! I've been remastering the old pages (just cleaning them up and making them the right size), and I ended up redoing all of the chapter covers. Chapters 1-6 are all lined, but not colored yet.

I moved all of the guest art into the fan art page. Thanks again to Necrogear, Lorsenal, Umbrulla, Utzsar, and Niccillustrates for the gorgeous, wonderful artwork. ;_;

And another big thank you to my lovely patrons for helping me bring this comic to life, in no particular order: Asmodeus, Lachi, Lief, Nec, Kouroth, Erik, Adam, Jonas, Garth, Karyl, FalWfal, Bengt, Dean, Alia, Fiona, Utzsar, Nuke, Umi, Wapy, Toherrys, Keru, Rocket, Shan, Tillea, Taz, and Scott. You guys rock. 

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